Category: What’s On

East Haven BioBlitz – 8th June Poster – PDF Link

7th and 8th July Ten-spot Pot Beetle Hunt, Loch Rannoch Everyone welcome! –  PDF Poster

Sunday 15th July (10.30am) Help us find the Northern Brown Argus! Survey Day – Lundie Crags, Sidlaws – PDF Poster

PDF Newsletter – PDF Link

5th June – Small Blue Butterfly Survey Training, Barry Buddon Further Info – PDF

Friday 17th July 2015, Morton Lochs Join us at one of our Dragonfly Hotspots – Morton Lochs NNR near Tayport in Fife – for a guided walk around the best dragonfly locations. Link

18th and 19th July 2015 PDF Link

Courier – 25th May 2015 Web Link
